
mardi 7 octobre 2008

have to face the thruth : I have a thing for brits

I grew up with John, Paul, George & Ringo... I loved sharing moments with Alex, Luke, Irwin, Murph, Miles or Johnny...

They have the ultimate elegance, they know how to wear tight pants and boots without looking ridiculous...they look great in their sailor's jacket... they have the most uncombed hair... they know how to drink...they have the edgiest sense of humor... they make my day... English boys are the most attractive... not a single french or american guy has their style...

That was my shallow chapter, whatever...

They say this is the city of angels, all I see is dead wings...

Los Angeles was a blast. Sunny, hot, fun and shallow as hell. Was great to take a break there blah blah blah...

samedi 20 septembre 2008


How I love reading other people's blog but how lazy I am when it comes to mine... I wish I had the time to upgrade it more often and pretend my life is so crazy... oh well... This last week has been totally insane. After three days in London - and seven hours waiting at Heathrow to catch a plane because the eurostar's accident, I spend four days in Los Angeles. Today, I just feel totally disconnected. I'm supposed to write tons of articles for the magazine and I still didn't write a line... scary. Anyway, here are some london's pics taken by Cathy, one of the funniest girl ever. Don't know her for a long time but we have so much in common like not taking ourselves too seriously, being fans of disney crappy movies and being frustrated alcoholic single women :)
Anyway, we ended up together in London for the Disney's Camp Rock's European premiere, was pretty unreal...

jeudi 4 septembre 2008

It's been a while...

Ups and downs, highs and lows... whatever...

mercredi 16 juillet 2008

Dear Diary

Oh well, nobody reads this for sure, but I'm fine with it, this is going to be more like a diary or something.
Saturday was very cool even if i collapsed at 2am on anne-claire's bed. I guess it was a mix of tireness and not eating enough cos I don't think I was that drunk but it was like I went to tha bathroom, laid down on AC's bed to rest for a couple of minutes but I fell asleep until the next morning... I can feel a bit embarassed cos people/friends may have thought I was totally wasted haha. But this was a fun and surprising night, definitely.
Now I'm at my parents and it's so cool. Nothing but sun, blue sky, a bit of shopping, spending quality time with mom and dad, resting, thinking... well at least trying to to think about anything, reading, sunbathing....
I almost forgot the biggest news, my sister announced me she was pregnant, wich means I'll be an aunt early next year, how great is that! My parents are going to be grand-parents and my little sister 's going to be a mom, feels so weird and cool at the same time!

samedi 12 juillet 2008

Hello Sunshine

Oh well, this week has been very hard for me.
Coming back from arras totally exhausted on monday morning and couldn't write a word, I still don't jnow how I could manage to interview Death cab For Cutie during 40 minutes, I guess I found some amount of energy for them as I love their music, they've been really cool guys by the way. I left the office at 6PM and slept til the next day.
Tuesday was way better even though I felt so sick, probably got a cold from the festival, tuesday night was a big dinner with all the people of the company I work for, we ate and drank a lot, it was just crazy.
Wednesday, thursday and friday were the hardest working day ever. I had to change my train ticket from friday to sunday.
Last night, my coworkers and I had a few drinks to celebrate this very welcomed three weeks break. Anne Claire joined us and we even named a new cocktail the bartender created for her. It's a blend of rhum, rasperry juice and lemon. We called it the lipstick, how girly is that!
Tomorrow I'm leaving for three weeks to see my parents and get the biggest rest ever, can't wait to leave the city, the pressure, the noise.
Of course, i'll miss my friends but we'll have the ultimate night together tonight, sounds great.
i'll try to keep a diary during my holidays in the country as i'll have more time for myself.

main square...

It's been a week already... *sighs*
My favorite gigs :
Sigur Ros : amazing as expected

The Kooks : awesome

BB Brunes : an unexpected surprise

And of course...

It's been a week already... *sighs*
So many good memories. sharing these three days with my favorite girls has been a blast...