
samedi 20 septembre 2008


How I love reading other people's blog but how lazy I am when it comes to mine... I wish I had the time to upgrade it more often and pretend my life is so crazy... oh well... This last week has been totally insane. After three days in London - and seven hours waiting at Heathrow to catch a plane because the eurostar's accident, I spend four days in Los Angeles. Today, I just feel totally disconnected. I'm supposed to write tons of articles for the magazine and I still didn't write a line... scary. Anyway, here are some london's pics taken by Cathy, one of the funniest girl ever. Don't know her for a long time but we have so much in common like not taking ourselves too seriously, being fans of disney crappy movies and being frustrated alcoholic single women :)
Anyway, we ended up together in London for the Disney's Camp Rock's European premiere, was pretty unreal...

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