
mercredi 16 juillet 2008

Dear Diary

Oh well, nobody reads this for sure, but I'm fine with it, this is going to be more like a diary or something.
Saturday was very cool even if i collapsed at 2am on anne-claire's bed. I guess it was a mix of tireness and not eating enough cos I don't think I was that drunk but it was like I went to tha bathroom, laid down on AC's bed to rest for a couple of minutes but I fell asleep until the next morning... I can feel a bit embarassed cos people/friends may have thought I was totally wasted haha. But this was a fun and surprising night, definitely.
Now I'm at my parents and it's so cool. Nothing but sun, blue sky, a bit of shopping, spending quality time with mom and dad, resting, thinking... well at least trying to to think about anything, reading, sunbathing....
I almost forgot the biggest news, my sister announced me she was pregnant, wich means I'll be an aunt early next year, how great is that! My parents are going to be grand-parents and my little sister 's going to be a mom, feels so weird and cool at the same time!

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